Chopin Course Website

    Course Website:  Most useful tabs 

              'Resources' Tab:  Gives links for resources like -  

                      A Wikipedia bio of Chopin 

                      'Best of' polls of many classical music genres (e.g. best operas, 
                      symphonies, solo keyboard works, concertos,  choral works, sonatas, 
                      string quartets and much more). 

                      Links to Chopin websites and articles 

              'Chopin Genres' Tab:  A glossary of musical terms, especially 
                      descriptions of the many genres of Chopin's compositions.
                        (e.g. sonatas, fantasies, scherzo, waltzes, mazurkas, 
                         polonaises, preludes, etc.)

              'Best of Chopin' Tab:  The rankings of the 22 Chopin compositions 
                         in a poll of the top 200 solo keyboard compositions of all time. 

              'Chopin's compositions on YouTube' Tab:  Access to easily play 
                         great live video and studio audio performances of almost all 
                         of Chopin's works. 

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