The Chopin Course on Zoom

   Welcome to the OLLI Distance Learning Zoom Course on Frédéric Chopin

             Here are some things you need you know about taking this course via Zoom:

       1)   If you are not already familiar with Zoom... on the first day of class, please log 
             into the Zoom meeting 15 minutes before the start time.  We want to make  
            sure everyone is online and knows how to use the Zoom buttons you will need, 
             especially for discussions and asking questions.  This will allow us to start class 
             right at 9:30.

       2)   For most of the class time, you will either be seeing a full screen display of pages
             from the course website as the instructor explains a topic to you, or you will be  
             seeing a full screen display of a pianist performing a Chopin work.  In both cases, 
             you will able to choose whether to see your instructor in a small box on the side  
             of the screen or see numerous small boxes of your classmates.  You will be shown
             how this works before the first class begins. 

       3)   At several points during the class, both the website and video displays will be 
             ended and we will go into the basic Zoom grid where everyone can see each other 
             so we can discuss a topic.  You can ask questions at this point. 

       4)   You can also ask questions while the instructor is talking about a subject, but 
             unlike in a real classroom, the instructor will not be able to see you.  So, to ask 
             a question, you will use the Zoom 'raise your hand' function.   An OLLI team 
             volunteer will be watching for raised hands and will inform the instructor so he 
             can pause the talk and address your question.  The 'Raise your hand' feature will  
             be demonstrated before class begins.

       5)   The final thing... everyone will be muted during the class to cut out back-
             ground noise while the music is playing.  Before the first class starts, everyone 
             will be shown how to unmute themselves so they can  participate in discussions 
             and ask questions

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